Elegant Rose - Working In Background

Friday 1 July 2011

Today Music Bank

OMG!!! OMG!!! Music bank today was totally daebak. When i saw Bora (SISTAR) wave hand on the screen, I automatically wave back at her. LOL. Can't control my hand. I goes crazy every time i see her on screen. Then I saw G.Na and I screamed like a crazy fangirl. Kekeke... Omoo!! Omoo!!! *out of breath*

After that it times for Boyfriend and can't help myself sing along with them (of course sometimes scream). Kekeke... Then, its CN BLue!! Oh gosh, Music Bank really killing me *faint*. Not long after that, its time for T-ara comeback. Really can't wait for it *got excited* but then kinda disappointed coz their song is not really catchy like their previous song *sad*

Then I goes crazy coz didn't expect G.Na will do a performance. My fav song - Black and White. So happy to hear it and listened to G.Na lovely voice. But it seems like there is something wrong with the mic or maybe something that makes G.Na voice seems low and not loud enough.

Then, the list goes on - f(x), 4Minute, 2PM and DBSK. Ah, before all of the name i mentioned before perform, Secret (i love their starlight song), Infinite, Taewoo, K-will and IU also performed on the stage today. *forgive me i missed other artist*

But seriously, I'm super duper happy to watch Music Bank today coz i saw all fav idol girls - T-ara, G.Na and SISTAR. Wohoo!!! Good job KBS World for bringing all my fav on Music Bank today *happy*. Even though i can't go to B2ST FM tonight, but at least i can see all my fav on the same time and scream like crazy with all my will. Kekekeke... *a very happy fangirl*

.: 끝 :.

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