안녕하세요 ~
Once again, I bought this photobook long ago and just have time to update regarding it now. As a B2UTY I can't help myself from buying this photobook even though it super duper expensive (for me). Bought it for around MYR 200 which I can use that money to buy other things >_<. But because of my love to B2ST I ends up buying it even though it takes some time to save the money and buy the photobook.
Apart from being the 1st official photobook of B2ST released by CUBE Ent. (I'm not talking about the making B2ST Airline photobook or Fiction photobook), what made me want to buy this photobook the most was because it comes with 2 different poster and buyers will get both. Managed to get both poster too as during the time I want to buy this photobook, most shop sell only the photobook and need to buy the poster separately (free poster already out of stock) >_<.
This photobook is really thick and big. I think the weight might be around 1 Kg or more. It includes a making of DVD, 8 pieces sticker (2 group and 6 individual sticker) and a very thick photobook with a high quality paper. The cover also hard cover.
The photobook is divided into 5th selection: The 1st Selection 'Reverse Yourself', The 2nd Selection 'Upgrade the Dignity', The 3rd Selection 'Yours', The 4th Selection 'Moment by Moment' and The 5th Selection 'Pure and Simple'. I especially love the 5th Selection because of it's casual and relaxing theme. Since I'm fan of Kiki or GiKwang, does most of my screen shot from the photobook are him (taken from all the selection).
.: 끝 :.
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