안녕하세요. . . Today is my 24th birthday. LOL, okay. I know I'm old already but can't stop myself from falling deep and more deep to KPOP. ㅋㅋㅋ. . . And today i got my BIGBANG Official Vandana (received it at post office). Wohoo!!! Is that some kind of gift? even though me myself bought it. ㅋㅋㅋ. . .
It's been such a long time i celebrate my birthday with my family. So when we celebrate it just now its kinda embarrassing *blush*. I'm just having a simple birthday cake (even i wish to have a grand one like cake from Secret Recipe... but what can i do when there is no Secret Recipe here in my small hometown~ sad). So what i found and bought is a really simple cake even though i dun really like the cake >_< (but i should be thankful). Beside im so happy to celebrate it with my family.
Okay, now let's move on to the Bigbang Official Goods - Vandana. Actually the vandana that i bought is the 2nd version. I think that's the latest version so far. The vandana is really cool and really big. Green BIGBANG words on the vandana is glow in the dark. I never expect it but that makes the vandana more cool!! Ah, so happy that i bought it. If there is any concert of BIGBANG soon or later at Malaysia, definitely going to bring this. ㅋㅋㅋ. . .
.: 끝 :.
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